25 Ekim 2014 Cumartesi



Depresyon kısa ve öz olarak tanımlamak gerekirse kişinin kendisini endişeli, suçlu, değersiz hissetmesine neden olan, başkalarından uzaklaşmasına, uyku azalmasına-artmasına, iştah kaybına, cinsel istek kaybına ya da her zaman yaptığı faaliyetlere karşı ilgisiz olmasıyla belirginleşen bir duygu durum bozukluğudur. Ömür boyunca büyük bir çoğunluğumuz stres karşısında veya endişeli durumlarda depresif özellikler gösteririz fakat bunların hepsi depresyon tanısı gerektirmez. Depresyona sıklıkla kaygı bozukluğu, panik atak, alkol ve madde kullanımı, cinsel işlev bozukluğu eşlik eder.

Depresyonda olan kişiyi karşılıklı konuşmalardan da anlayabiliriz. Depresyonda olan kişi söylenenlere dikkat etmek için büyük çaba harcar. Onlar için karşılıkla konuşmak büyük bir yüktür. Konuşurken mümkün olduğunca kısa cevaplar verir, yavaş ve duraklayarak, aynı ses tonuyla monoton bir şekilde konuşurlar. Depresyonda olan kişilerin çoğu yalnız kalmayı tercih ederler. Bir problemle karşılaştıklarında onun çözüm yolunu hiç düşünmezler veya akıllarına hiç bir çözüm yolu gelmez. Kafaları kendilerine yönelik suçlamalarla doludur. Çoğu zaman tamamen keyifsiz, umutsuz, endişeli, kaygılı ve ümitsizdirler. Bu ruh hallerinin bedenlerine yansıdığını da görebiliriz.

DSM IV tanısına göre aşağıdaki belirtilerin en az beşinin hemen hemen her gün iki hafta süreyle olması gerekir. Bu durumda majör depresif dönem tanısı konabilir. Aşağıdaki belirtilerden en az beş tanesinin olması çökkün duygu duruma işaret edebilir

1.Hiçbir şeyden tad alamama hali(anhedonia),ilgi kaybı

2.Depresif duygu durumu

3.Uyku düzeninde değişiklikler, başlangıçta uykuya dalamama, gece uyanıp bir daha uyuyamama, sabah çok erken uyanma ya da bazı hastalarda günün çoğunu uyuyarak geçirme

4.İştah ve kilo değişiklikleri, kilo azalması veya artması

5.Halsizlik,enerji kaybı

6.Psikomotor aktivitede retardasyon veya ajitasyon yönünde değişme

7.Olumsuz benlik kavramı. Değersizlik ve suçluluk duyguları.

8.Karar verme,düşünme ve dikkati toplama güçlüğü

9.Tekrarlayan ölüm düşünceleri,intihar fikirleri veya girişimleridir.

Depresyonda Tedavi

Depresyonda olan kişiye ve onun yakınlarındakilere zaman çok uzun gelsede depresyon dönemlerinin çoğu birkaç haftada geçer. Çoğu depresyon bu dönemler sonunda kendiliğinden geçebilir ve bu çağımızda iş kayıbına neden olan hastalıklarda ön sıralarda bulunmasına karşı çok iyi bir durumdur. Fakat bu kadar yaygın olduğu, hem yaşayan, hemde yakınındakileri çok zedeleyici bir rahatsızlık olduğu için tedavi edilmemesi düşünülemez bile. Bununla birlikte depresyon nöbetleri tekrarlayıcıdır ve en önemliside depresyon hastaları intihar riski taşıdıkları için mutlaka tedavi edilmelidirler.

Depresyonun tedavisi iki şekildedir. Sadece psikoterapi ile tedavisi mümkündür bunun yanında psikoterapi ve ilaç kombinasyonu ile tedavi mümkündür.

13 Ekim 2014 Pazartesi


The UK has an illustrious musical heritage with exports such as the Beatles, Rolling Stones and The Who famous all over the world during the pop boom of the last 60 years. During the 20th century, the UK forged a virtual monopoly in European popular music with singers and bands making their mark globally, and even today the British music industry continues to produce songs that are heard on radios in cities all over the globe.

This means that any aspiring music student has no option but to opt for the UK with its cultural, historical and diverse musical history. UK degrees allow you to specialise from the very start in just one subject with seminars, lectures and practical sessions often led by former famous musicians.
Careers in Music

After graduating from a Music course at a UK university you will have a range of employment opportunities depending on your area of specialism. In the music industry itself, technicians, sound engineers and producers are always in demand and often work on a freelance basis. Skills acquired in musical production are also transferable to other media areas such as broadcasting and film-making.

Graduates in Music who specialise in performance may pursue their own careers as recording artists or find employment with orchestras or as session musicians. There are also employment opportunities in specialist fields such as ethnomusicology and psychotherapy.

Finally, Music graduates from a UK university can work in education where their skills are highly prized and contribute to the enjoyment of music by future generations. In any profession, an employer will value an UK university Music graduate’s technical expertise and production skills.
What are the entry requirements for Music?

There are no specific requirements for studying Music, but pursing the subject during school and gaining impressive results will help your application. For international students wishing to study Music at undergraduate level, an IELTS score of no less than 5.5 across all four categories - reading, writing, speaking and listening – with an overall 6.0 score generally required at most universities.

If you need to improve your IELTS score, why not join us in London and sign up to one of our courses? A range of IELTS study options are available to suit your needs.

London, England

ABRSM (the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music) is an internationally recongised educational body and charity that provides examinations in music. ABRSM offers graded music exams as well as more advanced diploma qualifications. In addition, ABRSM provides a publishing house for music that produces syllabuses, sheet music and exam papers and runs professional development courses and seminars for teachers.

Bangor, Wales

Bangor University should not be confused with the University College of Bangor, which is a campus of the University of Maine at Augusta. There are currently five degrees offered for music students (undergraduates).

Birmingham, England

Birmingham City University undergraduate courses in music are: acting, jazz, and popular music practice. Post graduate courses in music are: professional voice practice, performance and pedagogy, specialist performance, professional performance, and general music.

Bristol, England

The BA Music program follows national Teaching Quality Assessment benchmark recommendations regarding content and structure, allowing you to develop knowledge and skills across a range of areas as you proceed through the programme.

Kent, England

Canterbury Christ Church University (CCCU) offers a full range of programs - from an Access to Music, through undergraduate degrees in Music, Music Technology, Music Production, Commercial Music and Performing Arts to the postgraduate degrees, Masters of Music and Ph.D in Music.

Cardiff, Wales

The university is consistently recognised as providing the best university education in Wales. The school of music offers a broad range of music degrees including Ethnomusicology (for Post-Graduates) and Musicology (PhD Available).

London, England

City University London, usually just known in the UK as City University, is a British university based in Northampton Square, Islington, London. Past graduates have included concert soloists, jazz performers, music therapists, music industry executives and sound recording engineers, as well as teachers, music administrators, marketers and entrepreneurs.

Edinburgh, Scotland

Unlike many other university music courses, Edinburgh Napiers' Bachelor of Music degree provides more of a conservatoire-based education, with as much emphasis on performance practice as on academic studies. Edinburgh has over 7 different degrees in music that are offered to students.

Liverpool, England

LIPA offers degree courses in Acting, Community Drama, Dance, Music Theatre and Entertainment Management, Music, Sound Technology, Theatre and Performance Design and Theatre and Performance Technology. We also run full-time one year Foundation Certificates in Performing Arts (Acting); Performing Arts (Dance); Performing Arts (Singing); and Popular Music and Sound Technology.

Manchester, England

Our music production courses are designed for anyone wishing to learn and master sound engineering, music production, and remixing techniques in the UK: from an aspiring music producer learning remixing tricks and audio engineering on the Industry recognised Steinberg Cubase and Apple Diploma Courses, through to a DJ making beats for their set on the part-time DJ courses.

Newcastle, England

Newcastle University is a major research-intensive university located in Newcastle upon Tyne in the north-east of England. It was established as a School of Medicine and Surgery in 1834 but since then has expanded its areas of study, and offers two degrees for music students.

Oxford, England

Oxford Brookes offers a choice of undergraduate degrees (Music BA (Hons) single or combined) and three Postgraduate / Graduate courses: MA in Music, MA in Composition and Sonic Art and MA in Contemporary Arts and Music. The Department also offers Post-Doctoral Research in a number of areas including Composition and Musicology, with particular strength in the fields of opera, popular music, film studies (get your film & television contacts list), sound art and electro-acoustic composition.

Belfast, Northern Ireland

The School of Music and Sonic Arts offers two undergraduate pathways: BMus and BSc Music Technology. Between 70 and 80 new students arrive at the School in September to commence their three year program of study.

London, England

The Royal Academy of Music in London, England, is a conservatoire, Britain's oldest degree-granting music school and a constituent college of the University of London since 1999. The Royal Academy of Music offers training from infant level (Junior Academy), with the senior Academy awarding the LRAM diploma, BMus and higher degrees to Ph.D.

London, England

The Royal College of Music is a leading conservatoire located in the South Kensington district in Central London, England. Students that graduate from The Royal College of Music have an advanced understanding of the technical aspects of music.

Manchester, England

Currently the college offers both undergraduate (BMus and a joint MusB/GRNCM course with the University of Manchester) postgraduate taught programmes (PGDip, MMus) in musical performance and composition. In association with the Manchester Metropolitan University the college now offers research degrees (MPhil, PhD) in musical performance, composition, musicology and music psychology.

Glasgow, Scotland

The Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama (RSAMD) is a conservatoire of music, drama, and dance in the centre of Glasgow, Scotland. The Academy today it is a leading cultural institution in the United Kingdom, and the busiest performing arts venue in Scotland. It provides music courses for undergraduate and post graduate students.

Salisbury, England

The largest church music organisation in Britain, the Royal School of Church Music was founded in 1927 by Sir Sydney Nicholson and has 11,000 members worldwide; it was originally named the School of English Church Music. It seeks to enable church music in the present and invest in its future, largely through publications, courses and an award scheme.

Cardiff, Wales

The college provides education and training in the performing arts, and degrees are offered for undergraduate and post graduate students. Approximately two thirds of the enrolled (and enrolling) students are studying music related courses.

London, England

Trinity Laban is the UK's first conservatoire of Music and Dance. Trinity Laban's undergraduate programs include the BMus (Hons) Performance, the BMus (Indian Music Pathway), the BA (Hons) Musical Theatre: Performance and the Foundation Degree in Musical Theatre (FdA).

Birmingham, England

Being a large university Birmingham has departments covering a wide range of subjects. On 1 August 2008, the university's system was restructured into five 'colleges', which are composed of numerous 'schools'. Music degree programs are offered in the “Arts and Law” department.

Cambridge, England

The Music course at Cambridge combines intellectual stimulation and the progressive development of musical skills with tremendous opportunities for making music. Cambridge University offers music courses with essential techniques that are found and the foundation of all timeless musical pieces.

Norwich, England

The University of East Anglia offers a Bachelors in Music and a Bachelors in Music and Technology. Post graduate courses involve research focused on electroacoustic music and musicology.

Glasgow, England

Our research-led approach is one of the reasons why a degree from the University of Glasgow is so prized, but our students also benefit from opportunities to study abroad, improve their employability, take part in work placements and explore a wide range of social activities. As a result, we welcome scholars from 120 countries around the world. The 2011 International Student Barometer ranks us 1st in the UK for student satisfaction, and 90% of our final year undergraduates report satisfaction with their experiences. Our students graduate equipped with the skills they need to compete in a global workplace, and with friendships and networks that last a lifetime.

Huddersfield, England

The University of Huddersfield sits just off the town centre in Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, England. The University of Huddersfield has over 23,000 students currently. Huddersfield offers over 11 undergraduate degrees in the music field.

Lancaster, England

Lancaster is a collegiate university, with its main functions divided between three central faculties and nine colleges. In general, the faculties perform research and provide centralised lectures to students, while the colleges are responsible for the domestic arrangements and welfare of undergraduate students, graduate students, post-doctoral researchers and some University staff.

Leeds, England

The University of Leeds (informally Leeds University, or simply Leeds) is a British Redbrick university located in the city of Leeds, West Yorkshire, England. The BA Music course provides for a wide-ranging, intellectually and creatively stimulating exploration of music, progressing to a greater degree of specialisation in years two and three.

Liverpool, England

The University of Liverpool is a teaching and research university in the city of Liverpool, England. The school offers a large range of degrees, but currently only one of them being a music degree.

Nottingham, England

The University of Nottingham is a public research university in the city of Nottingham, England, with further campuses in Ningbo, China and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The Nottingham campus currently offers music degrees in Popular Music.

Manchester, England

The University of Salford is a university based in Salford, Greater Manchester, England with approximately 20,000 registered students. Undergradute music programs include: Popular Musicology, Popular Music & Recording, and General Music. Post graduate courses are also offered.

Hampshire, England

The University of Southampton is a "red-brick" British public university located in the city of Southampton, England. The school currently offers 7 undergraduate programs for music oriented students, aswell as post-graduate programs.

Guildford, England

The University of Surrey is a university located within the county town of Guildford, Surrey in the South East of England. Music degree programs currently offered are as follows: Bachelors in Music and Bachelors in Music with an additional year of professional training.

Falmer, England

The University of Sussex is an English campus university situated next to the East Sussex village of Falmer, within the city of Brighton and Hove. Sussex currently offers six music degree programs in the main campus for undergraduates.

2 Ekim 2014 Perşembe


Yönetmenliğini Hasan Karacadağ'ın yaptığı Dabbe 5 İslami korkuyu içinizde hissetmenize neden oluyor aslında. Yani filmi beğendim. Etkilenmedim dersem de yalan olur. Çok fazla korku filmi izlememden mi kaynaklanıyor bilemiyorum ancak filmin senaryosunu az çok tahmin edebildim. Yani oyunculuklar maalesef kötüydü. Hollywood kadar başarılı bir oyunculuk elbetteki beklenemez ancak amatör oyuncuların rol yeteneğini bu denli iyi senaryoya sahip bir filmde sınanması hoş olmamış. Filme dair aslında tek olumsuz eleştirim bu yönde olacak. Filmde İslami öğelerin doğru kullanılmış olması da filme ayrı bir ahenk katmış. Büyünün nazarın bol bol kullanıldığı bir film olmasının yanı sıra ani efektleriyle, ürpertici sesleriyle de yerinizden oynamanıza, sıçramanıza neden oluyor.  Açıkçası ilk Dabbe filminden etkilendiğim kadar hiç birinden çok etkilenmedim. Sadece senaryolar geliştiriliyor. Hasan Karacadağ'ın hayali acaba  Halloween gibi bir seri film mi çekmek mi yoksa bir gün tadında bırakabilecek ve tüm Dabbe serilerinin son filminde bağdaşlaştırılarak son bulması mı olacak? İyi seyirler..