23 Temmuz 2015 Perşembe

AMY WINEHOUSE - 23/7/2011- Rest In Peace


Born in London, England, on September 14, 1983, Amy Winehouse broke into the music business when, at age 16, a classmate passed on her demo tape. She signed her first record deal as a jazz vocalist, and her music later blossomed into an eclectic mix of jazz, pop, soul and R&B. Winehouse won five Grammy Awards for her 2006 album Back to Black, and earned acclaim for songs like "Rehab," "Back to Black" and "Valerie." Winehouse died tragically on July 23, 2011, at the age of 27, from accidental alcohol poisoning.

Early Career

Amy Jade Winehouse was born on September 14, 1983, in the suburb of Southgate in London, England. Her father, Mitch Winehouse, worked as a cab driver, while mother Janis was employed as a pharmacist. Winehouse's upbringing was surrounded by jazz; many of her uncles on her mother's side were professional jazz musicians, and her grandmother was once romantically involved with British jazz legend Ronnie Scott. Because of this musical background, Winehouse grew up listening to a diverse range of music, from James Taylor to Sarah Vaughan. At the age of 10, she became drawn to the rebellious spirit of TLC, Salt-N-Pepa and other American R&B and hip-hop acts, and founded a short-lived amateur rap group called Sweet 'n Sour.
At the age of 12, Winehouse was accepted into the prestigious Sylvia Young Theatre School, and a year later she received her first guitar. But by the age of 16, Winehouse was expelled for "not applying herself" and piercing her nose. That same year, she caught her first big break when a schoolmate and close friend, pop singer Tyler James, passed her demo tape to his label, A&R, who was searching for a jazz vocalist. The opportunity led her to a record deal with Island/Universal.
Her debut album, Frank (2003), was a critically acclaimed mixture of jazz, pop, soul, and hip-hop. The album was nominated for the Mercury Music Prize as well as two BRIT awards for Best Female Solo Artist and Best Urban Act. The debut single on the album, "Stronger Than Me," earned the new artist an Ivor Novello award. Frank also hit double platinum status.
During this time, Winehouse began developing a reputation as an unstable party girl, often showing up to her club or TV performances too drunk to sing a whole set. She also started a tumultuous, on-again-off-again relationship with music video assistant, Blake Fielder-Civil, who admitted to introducing Winehouse to hard drugs. In public, the couples' arguments often devolved into fist-fights and dramatic scenes. In private, their romance centered around drugs, alcohol, physical abuse and even self-harm.

International Star

By 2006, her management company finally suggested that Winehouse enter rehab for alcohol abuse. Instead, she dumped the company and turned the experience into the lead single for her second, critically acclaimed, album,Back to Black (2006). The song "Rehab," which discussed her refusal to receive treatment for substance abuse, became an instant Top 10 hit in the United Kingdom, and earned the artist another Ivor Novello award for best contemporary song. The album was also a critical success, winning the artist a BRIT award for Best Female Solo Artist and a BRIT nomination for Best British Album in 2007. Less than a month after her BRIT win, Back to Blackmade its American debut. It was an instant smash, hitting higher on theBillboard music charts than any other American debut by a British female recording artist in history. The album stayed in the Top 10 for several months, selling 1 million copies by the end of that summer.
In April of 2007, Winehouse's relationship with Blake Fielder-Civil also blossomed into an engagement. Winehouse revealed that her romance with the 23-year-old was the inspiration for several of the Back to Black tracks. The couple married May 18, 2007, in a ceremony in Miami, Florida.
Unfortunately, when it came to on-stage appearances, Winehouse returned to her old habits. The first night of a 17-date U.S. tour opened to an incapacitated Winehouse, who showed up to perform while under the influence of illegal substances. The crowd at the National Indoor Arena in Birmingham, Alabama, responded with boos and walk-outs. Winehouse responded to the crowd with sobbing and swearing. Her erratic behavior caused an uproar with fans and turned her into tabloid fodder.
Winehouse, an admitted marijuana smoker, was dogged by reports of continued drug abuse and strange behavior. On August 8, 2007, the singer slipped into a coma after overdosing on several drugs. First claiming exhaustion, Winehouse later told the News of the World that she overdosed after she had used a mix of heroin, cocaine, ecstasy, ketamine, whisky, and vodka during a bar crawl in London. The episode put a planned tour of North America on hold. The August 21, 2007, announcement indicated that Winehouse had been ordered to rest and was working with doctors to address her health.

Erratic Behavior

Her European tour in the fall of 2007, however, was scheduled to continue. But while in Norway in October of 2007, an anonymous tip led police to the star's hotel in Bergen, where she was arrested and held in prison overnight for marijuana possession. Winehouse, her husband Blake, and a third unidentified person were jailed. The trio was released after paying $715 in fines.
In November 2007, Winehouse's husband was arrested again for allegedly offering a $400,000 bribe to a bartender whom he he had allegedly assaulted in June 2007. Shortly after, he was taken into custody, and Winehouse canceled all concerts and public appearances for the rest of 2007, again citing "doctor's orders." A month later, Winehouse was arrested on suspicion of attempting to interfere with her husband's case. She voluntarily reported to a police station and was arrested before questioning. She later blamed her husband's legal woes for her inability to continue her tour.
Despite her inconsistent touring schedule, Winehouse's album continued to sell, going platinum nearly five times that year. It became the best-selling album of 2007 in the United Kingdom.
In January 2008, a video allegedly showing Winehouse smoking crack cocaine surfaced, leading to a brief stint in rehab. She was arrested in May 2008 for questioning, but wasn't formally charged in the case after police said they could not officially determine what the singer was smoking. After publicly admitting to illegal substance abuse, Winehouse was denied a U.S. visa due to her "use and abuse of narcotics." The visa prevented her from performing live at the 2008 Grammy Awards. Instead, the she performed in London via satellite. During the evening's ceremony, Winehouse won five Grammy Awards, including for best new artist, record of the year and song of the year—becoming the first British singer to win five Grammy Awards, as well as tying with singer Beyoncé Knowles for the record of the most Grammy wins by a female artist in a single night. (Knowles broke that record in 2010, when she won six Grammy Awards in one night; and Adele tied that record with six Grammy wins in 2012.)

Personal Setbacks

Despite her musical success, Winehouse's health and personal life began to quickly deteriorate. Her erratic behavior continued in June 2008, when she appeared to punch a fan during a performance at the Glastonbury Music Festival in England. Londoner James Gostelow, 25, told BBC News that Winehouse elbowed him in the forehead after someone in the crowd behind him threw a hat at her. In a widely circulated video of the incident, Winehouse was seen throwing a series of punches into the crowd. Gostelow said he had no intention of making a complaint to police, and Winehouse escaped criminal proceedings.
After the concert, Winehouse returned to a London clinic, where she had been receiving treatment for "traces of emphysema" and an irregular heartbeat caused by smoking crack cocaine and cigarettes. Winehouse's father told reporters that his daughter was warned that she would have to wear an oxygen mask if she didn't stop abusing drugs. That same month, Fielder-Civil and his three co-defendants pleaded guilty to assault and obstruction charges. The courts released Fielder-Civil from jail time on the condition that he stay in a drug rehabilitation center for long-term treatment.
By the end of 2008, the singer's marriage had dissolved. During Fielder-Civil's court appeal to leave rehab, Winehouse spotted German model Sophie Schandorff mouthing "I love you" to the singer's husband. Sources say that Winehouse's spouse later told his wife that he wanted to end their relationship. "It's over," Winehouse told reporters. "There's no way back for us now. It was never going to last." In January 2009, Winehouse's spokesperson confirmed that divorce proceedings had begun between Fielder-Civil and Winehouse, claiming adultery as the reason for the split.

Attempted Comeback

Regardless of personal setbacks, 2009 proved to be another strong year for Winehouse. In 2008, her album Back to Black was declared the second-highest selling album in the world, and in 2009, she earned entry into theGuinness Book of World Records for "Most Grammy Awards Won by a British Female Act."
Additionally, Winehouse announced that she was starting her own record label, Lioness Records, later signing her 13-year-old goddaughter, Dionne Bromfield, as the first musician on the label.


Sadly, at the end of her life, Winehouse's enormous talent was overshadowed by her addiction to drugs and alcohol. The singer died tragically on July 23, 2011, at the age of 27, from accidental alcohol poisoning.
Winehouse's life and career were the focus of a critically acclaimed documentary Amy, which hit theaters in July 2015. While the film has been widely celebrated, it upset Winehouse's family. They released a statement through a spokesperson after the film was shown at the 2015 Cannes film festival. The family that said the project "is a missed opportunity to celebrate her life and talent and that it is both misleading and contains some basic untruths," according to The Hollywood Reporter.

22 Temmuz 2015 Çarşamba


It may seem that there’s nothing you can do about stress. The bills won’t stop coming, there will never be more hours in the day, and your career and family responsibilities will always be demanding. But you have more control than you might think. In fact, the simple realization that you’re in control of your life is the foundation of stress management. Managing stress is all about taking charge: of your thoughts, emotions, schedule, and the way you deal with problems.

Identify the sources of stress in your life

Stress management starts with identifying the sources of stress in your life. This isn’t as easy as it sounds. Your true sources of stress aren’t always obvious, and it’s all too easy to overlook your own stress-inducing thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Sure, you may know that you’re constantly worried about work deadlines. But maybe it’s your procrastination, rather than the actual job demands, that leads to deadline stress.
To identify your true sources of stress, look closely at your habits, attitude, and excuses:
  • Do you explain away stress as temporary (“I just have a million things going on right now”) even though you can’t remember the last time you took a breather?
  • Do you define stress as an integral part of your work or home life (“Things are always crazy around here”) or as a part of your personality (“I have a lot of nervous energy, that’s all”).
  • Do you blame your stress on other people or outside events, or view it as entirely normal and unexceptional?
Until you accept responsibility for the role you play in creating or maintaining it, your stress level will remain outside your control.

Look at how you currently cope with stress

Think about the ways you currently manage and cope with stress in your life. Your stress journal can help you identify them. Are your coping strategies healthy or unhealthy, helpful or unproductive? Unfortunately, many people cope with stress in ways that compound the problem.

Unhealthy ways of coping with stress

These coping strategies may temporarily reduce stress, but they cause more damage in the long run:
  • Using pills or drugs to relax
  • Sleeping too much
  • Procrastinating
  • Filling up every minute of the day to avoid facing problems
  • Taking out your stress on others (lashing out, angry outbursts, physical violence)

Learning healthier ways to manage stress

If your methods of coping with stress aren’t contributing to your greater emotional and physical health, it’s time to find healthier ones.
Since everyone has a unique response to stress, there is no “one size fits all” solution to managing it. No single method works for everyone or in every situation, so experiment with different techniques and strategies. Focus on what makes you feel calm and in control.

Stress management strategy #1: Get moving

Physical activity plays a key role in reducing and preventing the effects of stress, but you don’t have to be an athlete or spend hours in a gym to experience the benefits. Just about any form of physical activity can help relieve stress and burn away anger, tension, and frustration. Exercise releases endorphins which boost your mood and make you feel good and it can also serve as a valuable distraction to your daily worries.
While the maximum benefit comes from exercising for 30 minutes or more, you can start small and build up your fitness level gradually. Short, 10-minute bursts of activity that elevate your heart rate and make you break out into a sweat can help to relieve stress and give you more energy and optimism. Even very small activities can add up over the course of a day. The first step is to get yourself up and moving. Here are a few easy ways:
  • Put on some music and dance around
  • Take your dog for a walk
  • Walk or cycle to the grocery store
  • Use the stairs at home or work rather than an elevator
  • Park your car in the farthest spot in the lot and walk the rest of the way
  • Pair up with an exercise partner and encourage each other as you workout
  • Play ping-pong or an activity-based video game with your kids

Managing stress with regular exercise

Once you’re in the habit of being physically active, try to incorporate regular exercise into your daily schedule. Activities that are continuous and rhythmic and require moving both your arms and your legs are especially effective at relieving stress. Walking, running, swimming, dancing,  cycling, and aerobic classes are good choices.
Pick an activity you enjoy, so you’re more likely to stick with it. Instead of continuing to focus on your thoughts while you exercise, make a conscious effort to focus on your body and how it feels as you’re moving. Adding this mindfulness element to your exercise routine will help you break out of the cycle of negative thoughts that often accompanies overwhelming stress. Focus on coordinating your breathing with your movements, for example, or notice how the air or sunlight feels on your skin. Getting out of your head and paying attention to how your body feels is also the surest way to avoid picking up an injury.

Physical activity can be the gateway to other stress relieving strategies

When you’ve exercised you’ll likely find it easier to put other stress management techniques to use. There are many ways to manage and cope with stress, but they all require change. You can either change the situation or change your reaction. When deciding which option to choose in any given scenario, it’s helpful to think of the four As: avoid, alter, adapt, or accept.

Stress management strategy #2: Avoid unnecessary stress

Not all stress can be avoided, and it’s not healthy to avoid a situation that needs to be addressed. You may be surprised, however, by the number of stressors in your life that you can eliminate.
  • Learn how to say “no” – Know your limits and stick to them. Whether in your personal or professional life, taking on more than you can handle is a surefire recipe for stress.
  • Avoid people who stress you out – If someone consistently causes stress in your life and you can’t turn the relationship around, limit the amount of time you spend with that person or end the relationship entirely.
  • Take control of your environment – If the evening news makes you anxious, turn the TV off. If traffic’s got you tense, take a longer but less-traveled route. If going to the market is an unpleasant chore, do your grocery shopping online.
  • Avoid hot-button topics – If you get upset over religion or politics, cross them off your conversation list. If you repeatedly argue about the same subject with the same people, stop bringing it up or excuse yourself when it’s the topic of discussion.
  • Pare down your to-do list – Analyze your schedule, responsibilities, and daily tasks. If you’ve got too much on your plate, distinguish between the “shoulds” and the “musts.” Drop tasks that aren’t truly necessary to the bottom of the list or eliminate them entirely.

Stress management strategy #3: Alter the situation

If you can’t avoid a stressful situation, try to alter it. Figure out what you can do to change things so the problem doesn’t present itself in the future. Often, this involves changing the way you communicate and operate in your daily life.
  • Express your feelings instead of bottling them up. If something or someone is bothering you, communicate your concerns in an open and respectful way. If you don’t voice your feelings, resentment will build and the situation will likely remain the same.
  • Be willing to compromise. When you ask someone to change their behavior, be willing to do the same. If you both are willing to bend at least a little, you’ll have a good chance of finding a happy middle ground.
  • Be more assertive. Don’t take a backseat in your own life. Deal with problems head on, doing your best to anticipate and prevent them. If you’ve got an exam to study for and your chatty roommate just got home, say up front that you only have five minutes to talk.
  • Manage your time better. Poor time management can cause a lot of stress. When you’re stretched too thin and running behind, it’s hard to stay calm and focused. But if you plan ahead and make sure you don’t overextend yourself, you can alter the amount of stress you’re under.

Stress management strategy #4: Adapt to the stressor

If you can’t change the stressor, change yourself. You can adapt to stressful situations and regain your sense of control by changing your expectations and attitude.
  • Reframe problems. Try to view stressful situations from a more positive perspective. Rather than fuming about a traffic jam, look at it as an opportunity to pause and regroup, listen to your favorite radio station, or enjoy some alone time.
  • Look at the big picture. Take perspective of the stressful situation. Ask yourself how important it will be in the long run. Will it matter in a month? A year? Is it really worth getting upset over? If the answer is no, focus your time and energy elsewhere.
  • Adjust your standards. Perfectionism is a major source of avoidable stress. Stop setting yourself up for failure by demanding perfection. Set reasonable standards for yourself and others, and learn to be okay with “good enough.”
  • Focus on the positive. When stress is getting you down, take a moment to reflect on all the things you appreciate in your life, including your own positive qualities and gifts. This simple strategy can help you keep things in perspective.

Stress management strategy #5: Accept the things you can’t change

Some sources of stress are unavoidable. You can’t prevent or change stressors such as the death of a loved one, a serious illness, or a national recession. In such cases, the best way to cope with stress is to accept things as they are. Acceptance may be difficult, but in the long run, it’s easier than railing against a situation you can’t change.
  • Don’t try to control the uncontrollable. Many things in life are beyond our control— particularly the behavior of other people. Rather than stressing out over them, focus on the things you can control such as the way you choose to react to problems.
  • Look for the upside. As the saying goes, “What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger.” When facing major challenges, try to look at them as opportunities for personal growth. If your own poor choices contributed to a stressful situation, reflect on them and learn from your mistakes.
  • Share your feelings. Talk to a trusted friend face to face or make an appointment with a therapist. The simple act of expressing what you’re going through can be very cathartic, even if there’s nothing you can do to alter the stressful situation. Opening up is not a sign of weakness and it won’t make you a burden to others. In fact, most friends will be flattered that you trust them enough to confide in them, and it will only strengthen your bond.
  • Learn to forgive. Accept the fact that we live in an imperfect world and that people make mistakes. Let go of anger and resentments. Free yourself from negative energy by forgiving and moving on.

Stress management strategy #6: Make time for fun and relaxation

Beyond a take-charge approach and a positive attitude, you can reduce stress in your life by nurturing yourself. If you regularly make time for fun and relaxation, you’ll be in a better place to handle life’s stressors.

Develop a "stress relief toolbox"

Come up with a list of healthy ways to relax and recharge. Try to implement one or more of these ideas each day, even if you're feeling good.
  • Go for a walk.
  • Spend time in nature.
  • Call a good friend.
  • Play a competitive game of tennis or raquetball.
  • Write in your journal.
  • Take a long bath.
  • Light scented candles.
  • Savor a warm cup of coffee or tea.
  • Play with a pet.
  • Work in your garden.
  • Get a massage.
  • Curl up with a good book.
  • Listen to music.
  • Watch a comedy.
Don’t get so caught up in the hustle and bustle of life that you forget to take care of your own needs. Nurturing yourself is a necessity, not a luxury.
  • Set aside relaxation time. Include rest and relaxation in your daily schedule. Don’t allow other obligations to encroach. This is your time to take a break from all responsibilities and recharge your batteries.
  • Connect with others. Spend time with positive people who enhance your life. A strong support system will buffer you from the negative effects of stress.
  • Do something you enjoy every day. Make time for leisure activities that bring you joy, whether it be stargazing, playing the piano, or working on your bike.
  • Keep your sense of humor. This includes the ability to laugh at yourself. The act of laughing helps your body fight stress in a number of ways.

Stress management strategy #7: Adopt a healthy lifestyle

In addition to regular exercise, there are other healthy lifestyle choices that can increase your resistance to stress.
  • Eat a healthy diet. Well-nourished bodies are better prepared to cope with stress, so be mindful of what you eat. Start your day right with breakfast, and keep your energy up and your mind clear with balanced, nutritious meals throughout the day.
  • Reduce caffeine and sugar. The temporary "highs" caffeine and sugar provide often end in with a crash in mood and energy. By reducing the amount of coffee, soft drinks, chocolate, and sugar snacks in your diet, you’ll feel more relaxed and you’ll sleep better.
  • Avoid alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs. Self-medicating with alcohol or drugs may provide an easy escape from stress, but the relief is only temporary. Don’t avoid or mask the issue at hand; deal with problems head on and with a clear mind.
  • Get enough sleep. Adequate sleep fuels your mind, as well as your body. Feeling tired will increase your stress because it may cause you to think irrationally.

21 Temmuz 2015 Salı


Ülkemiz gerçekten doğal güzelliklerle dolu bir yer. Bunu anlamamak mümkün değil. Yola çıkıp sağınıza solunuza baksanız zaten bu güzelliklere ister istemez şahit olabiliyorsunuz. Bayram zamanlarında tatil yapma taraftarı değilim aslına bakarsanız. Kızıyordum da bayram günleri evlerini terk edip tatil yapanları ancak bu sefer ailecek hatta bir kısım akraba ile birlikte terk ettik evlerimizi. Gelenek aslında yine bozulmadı. Bu sefer bayramlaşma merasimimizi tatilde yaptık. Bir nevi hem tatil hem bayram oldu. İzmir'de yaşayanlar şu günlerde yaşanan sıcaklıkların ne kadar dayanılmaz olduğunu bilir. Klimasız nefes alamadığımızı bile hisseder olduk. Tipik temmuz İzmir'i. Çoğu insan alışık bu duruma. İstanbul'dan geldiğim ilk yıl yatakta uyuyamayıp ağladığımı ve ertesi günü klima taktırdığımı çok iyi hatırlıyorum. Gerçekten klimalı gecede uyuduğum uyku yüz yıllık uykuya bedeldi. Aslında keyfi anlamda tam bir İzmirliyim ancak iklimsel anlamda sıcak çok sevmeyen biri olarak buralar hiç bana göre değil. Kutuplarda abartı olur ama bir İskandinav ülkesinde yaşamak isterdim. Ya da o iklimde yaşamak isterdim.

Gelelim yazımızın ana teması Fethiye'ye. İzmir'den yaklaşık 335 km, İstanbul'dan 797 km. İstanbul'dan direk Dalaman Havalimanına inip 44 km'lik bir araç yolculuğu sonucu ulaşmanız daha mantıklı olacaktır. İzmir'den 3,5 saat sürecek güzel panoromik manzaralı yolculuk soucunda ulaşabileceksiniz. Ege'nin bittiği Akdeniz'in yada Likya'nın başladığı bu güzel ilçe sizi büyüleyecek. Genelde yaz tatillerimi Çeşme ve Bodrum'dan yana kullanan biri olarak bu sene kısa bir değişikliğin gerekliliğini duydum. İyi ki de duymuşum. Çünkü mükemmel bir güzel doğa ve deniz meğer beni bekliyormuş. Fethiyeli arkadaşlarım vardı ve bana çok öneride bulunmuşlardı. Çoğunu harmanlayıp kısa tatillerde öncelikli yapmam gerekenleri listeledim.

Fethiye'nin Ölüdeniz'e en yakın semti Hisarönünde otel tercihimi yaptım. İyi ki de buradan yana terchimi kullanmışım. Hisarönü Bodrum Gümbet'in neredeyse aynısı hatta daha lüks ve daha güzel bar, disco ve restoranların olduğu bir yer. Gece yaşantısı Fethiye'den çok daha hareketli. İngiltere'de bir deniz kasabasında gibi hissettiriyor insanı. Her yerde pound geçiyor. Hatta İngiltere'ye gidenler bilir meşhur marketleri vardır İngilizlerin ASDA burada AZDA adı altında bulunuyor. Çakma falanda olsa ilk başlarda şaşırmadım değil. Araştırmalarım sonucunda kayıtlı 8000 İngiliz vatandaşının Hisarönü ve Fethiye'de yaşamlarını sürdürdüklerini öğrendim. Şaşırtıcı bir rakam. Neredeyse bir köy insan nüfusu bu bölgede yaşıyor. Normal olarak İngilizlere hitap eden karaoke barlar, Hint restoranları ( İzmir ve İstanbul'da bile bu kadar iyisi yok) , Çin lokantaları bulunuyor. Bodrum, Çeşme'de göremediğim turistleri de burada görmüş oldum.

Ölüdeniz'in vazgeçilmezi olan Paragliding ( paraşütle atlama) gerçekten enfes rengarenk havada kelebek edasıyla süzüle süzüle plaja iniş yapıyor. Bu görsel şöleni oturup saatlerce izleyebilirsiniz. Fiyat olarak 220 TL karşılığında eğitmen eşliğinde Babadağ'dan 1969 metre yükseklikten aşağı kendinizi bırakabiliyorsunuz. Avrupa'nın en güvenliği parkuru olduğu söylense de cesaret edip atlayamadım. Kendinizi bir kuş gibi özgür hissedebilmek ve Ölüdeniz'in o karpostallarda gördüğümüz görüntüyü görebilmeniz için en büyük fırsat bu olsa gerek. Ben her yazlık mekanlarda bir tekne turu ayarlarım. Gitmediğim tekne turu da yoktur. Ölüdeniz tekne turuna katıldım. Normalde Hisarönü çarşısında sorduğunuzda 50 TL fiyat veriyorlar. Aldanmayın sakın. Ben 40 TL karşılığında aynı geziyi bulabildim hem de Cumartesi günü. Perşembe günü sorduğumda Cumartesi'ye yer yok. Son koltuklar 50 TL şeklinde klasik esnaf yanıtları bulabilirsiniz. Bayramın ikinci günü ve en yoğun gün olmasına rağmen yer bulabildim. Otele gelen tur tanıtımı yapan ilgili kişi otel-tekne transferleri, öğle yemeği ( çok beklenti içinde olmayın, güzel lezzetli bir yemek değil) dahil 40 TL karşılığında tekne turuna gidebildim. Öncelikle şu ana kadar gittiğim Marmaris hariç ( daha gidemedim) Bodrum, Çeşme , Ayvalık, Foça dahil en güzel tekne turuydu. St. Nicholas koyunun inanılmaz berrak suyu, Kelebekler Vadisinin bohem yaşantısı ve eşsiz güzel plajı, Soğuksu adında harika bir koy ( suyu gerçekten çok soğuk) gezdik. Normalde beş tane yerde durduk. Diğer ikisini çok sevmedim. Biri Deve plajı ki suyu bulanık ve taşlık bir alandaydı. Diğeri ise Akvaryum koyu adı altındaydı ancak o kadar derindi ki yüzdüğüm yerin altı görünmüyordu. Yani resimlerindeki koy değildi ya da anlamıyoruz diye öylesine bir yere götürüldük ve akvaryum denildi bize. Bodrumda'ki akvaryum koyu ve Çeşme'deki çok daha başarılı. Ancak Kelebekler Vadisi ki favorim oldu, St. Nicholas ve Soğuksu koyu ise tam bir doğa harikasıydı. Etkilenmemek mümkün değil. Resmen cennette gibisiniz. Koruyucu kremlerinizi muhakkak yanınızda bulundurun çünkü teknenin üst katından doğayı izlemek gerçekten çok daha güzel. Kısacası Fethiye tekne turu şimdiye kadar gördüğüm tümünden daha etkileyici ve daha güzeldi.

Ölüdeniz ile ilgili zaten söylenebilinecek bir şey yok. Orası harika bir kumsal. Güzel ve resimlerde gördüğünüz burun kısmı özel bir yer. Yani giriş ücreti veriyorsunuz. Bodrum ve Çeşme gibi değil. Saçma sapan astronomik rakamlar değil öğrenci isen 3 TL, tam 6 TL, aracınızla giriyorsanız araç kişi sayısı en fazla 5 kişi olunca 22 TL fiyat ödüyorsunuz. Şemsiye ve iki şezlong ise 24 TL. Denizde dalga kesinlikle yok. Diğer belediyeye ait olan yerde dalga var. Oradan girdiğiniz zaman herhangi bir ücret ödemiyorsunuz. Ancak otopark parası 10 TL, şezlong iki tane 16 TL, şemsiye 8 TL ödeme yaptığınızda neredeyse diğer yer ile yakın rakamlar elde ediyorsunuz. Size kalmış dalgalarla boğuşup denize girmekten zevk alıyorsanız tercihiniz belediyenin plajı olmalı. Mavi bayraklı bu plajlarda su şerbet gibi, tertemiz.

Fethiye merkez ile ilgili, belediye iyi çalışıyor. Dönüş yolunda Marmaris'e de yine uğradım. 30 km kadar İzmir dönüş yolunda içeride kalıyor. Ancak Marmaris benim tutkum oldu son iki senedir. Doğasını ve temizliğini seviyorum. Bu iki beldenin de belediyesi iyi çalışıyor sanırım çünkü yerlerde çöp, vs bulmanız mümkün değil. O kadar temiz o kadar düzenli.

Açıkçası Fethiye'nin nesi meşhur derseniz cevap veremem. Dondurması değil ona eminim ( yediğim dondurma çok sıradandı), yada tatlısı falan yok. Sadece bal alabilirsiniz. Balı meşhurmuş. Ama onu çam balı şeklinde bir kaç yerde bulabilirsiniz. Marmaris'te balcılık daha fazla. Çok daha fazla dükkan ve seçenek bulabiliyorsunuz.

İşin özü Fethiye güzel, Fethiye iyi bir tatil beldesi. Gidin, gezin, görün. Pişman olmayacağınıza eminim.