11 Temmuz 2017 Salı


İşten güçten vakit bulabilen var mı bilemem ama ilk kez yıllık iznimde kendime bir iyilik yapmaya karar verdim. Çok gezen biriyim. Yurtiçi, yurtdışı görülmesi gereken nereler varsa maddiyatım yettiğince geziyorum. İnsanın hep gözü dışarda olurmuş ya sahip olduğunla yetinemezmiş hep fazlasını istermiş tezi sanırım doğru. Bunu uzun zamandır düşünüyordum ancak bir türlü hayata geçiremiyordum. İstanbulda yaşadığım dönemlerde hemen hemen her hafta sonu farklı yerler görmek için çabalardım. Trafikte vakit harcamamak adına ya yakın illere ya da İstanbul içerisinde toplu taşıma ile ulaşabileceğim yerleri tercih eder, gezerdim. Tabi İstanbul yedi sekiz yıla sığdırılacak bir şehir değil ama yüzde altmışbeşini gezdim buna eminim. Yaşadığım çalıştığım para kazandığım şehirde aslında bir yabancı olduğumu ilk kez o zaman farketmiştim. İlk kez İstanbula gelen arkadaşlarımı yerli yabancı klasik İstanbul turundan sonra bilinmeyen İstanbula da götürür ve harika fotoğraf kareleri çekmelerini sağlardım. İstanbul defterini kapattıktan sonra ana baba memleketi İzmire taşınıp hızlı bir şekilde iş yaşantıma başladığımdan mıdır yoksa her zamanki gibi üşengeçliğimden midir bilinmez ama şehiri gezme fırsatını kendime vermemiştim. Dört yıl sonra yıllık iznimin bir iki gününü en azından yaşadığım şehirin bilinmeyenlerini ve bilinen yerlerini keşfetmek için yola çıktım. İzmir'i bilen bilir temmuz sıcağında sokakta dolaşmanın zorluklarını ve her an su içme isteğinin sizde oluşturduğu o inanılmaz duyguyu. Temmuzdur, yazdır ,güneş çarpar dinlemedim bu sefer. Sabah serinliğinde yollara ferman oldum.
Bostanlı vapuruna binerek Konak, Kemeraltı, Agora gezisine çıktım. Vapurun belki de eski nostaljikliği bitmiş olabilir ama gayet güzel vapurlarımız var artık. İçleri buz gibi. Sanki nefes aldığını hissediyor insan. Konak iskelesinden iner inmez sizi muhteşem güzelliğiyle Konak saat kulesi karşılar. İzmirde olduğunuzun resmi kanıtıdır bu. 1901 yılında Sultan II. Abdülhamit'in tahta çıkışının 25. yıl anısına İzmir'li levanten Raymond Charles Pere'ye yaptırılmış ve kulenin saati ise Türk Alman dostluğunu daima hatırlatmak için Alman İmparator II. Wilhelm tarafından armağan edilmiş. Teşekkür ediyoruz kendilerine.  Yıllardır kuş yemi satan gözleri görmeyen bir amca vardır. Adettendir hemen bir kap kuş yemi alıp fırlattım saat kulesine doğru. Kuşlar yemlere doğru uçuştukça güzel bir kaç karede yakaladım tabiki. Yıllardır yaz kış demeden bu işi yapan amcayada selam olsun. Herkesin muhakkak hayatında bir kez kuşlara yem vermesini öneririm. Yazının başlığında olduğu gibi turist gibi gezecektim. Bu yüzden hemen turist danışma bankosundan bir Konak - Kemeraltı haritası aldım. Nereler gezilmeli, nereler görülmeli diye. Fransızca vermişler. Yarım Fransızca ile anlayabildiğim kadar artık dedim. Hükümet konağından başladım. Hepsinin içine girmedim ama resimler çektim genelde. İlk 9 Eylül 1922de Türk ordusunun İzmir'e gelmesiyle göndere bayrağımız burada çekilmiş. Ayrı bir önemi var tabi. Hükümet konağını takriben hemen tarihi Kemeraltı çarşısına doğru yol alma zamanı. Çarşı her zamanki gibi kalabalık. Çok küçükken annemin elini bırakmadan yürümek zorunda olduğum bu çarşıyı özgürce keşfetmek paha biçilemezdi doğrusu. Haksız mıydı? Elbette değildi. Burada çocuğunu kaybetsen bir daha bulabilmek gerçekten imkansıza yakın. Her sokak birbirine benziyor ve dükkanların karmaşıklığı sizi sanki bir anda Mumbai'deymişsiniz(Hindistanda bir şehir) hissini uyandırıyor. Kızlarağası Hanı Osmanlıdan günümüze kadar uzanmış nadir eserlerden biri. 1744 yılında Hacı Beşir Ağa tarafından yapılmış bu bedesten, kapalı çarşıyı andıran dokusuyla gerek yerli gerekse yabancı turistlerin ilgisini çekiyor. Güzel gümüşçüler, hediyelik eşyalar, otantik objelerin bulunabileceği bir alışveriş ve sosyal yaşam merkezi aslında burası. Dibek kahvenizi burada yudumlamayı da unutmayın tabi. Hemen Kızlarağası hanının bitişiğinde bulunan ve avlusundan rahatça görebileceğiniz meşhur İzmir'in en büyük camiisi Hisar Camii. Harikulade bir yapı. 1597 yılından günümüze kadar gelmiş İzmir'in en eski tanıklarından sanki. Enfes bir camii. İstanbul için Sultanahmet ne ise İzmir içinde Hisar Camii hemen hemen aynı anlam ifade ediyor diyebiliriz. Bunun dışında Kestanepazarı ve Şadırvan Camiilerinide görmeden geçmemek gerekirdi. Hala özel günlerde ibadete açık olan Algazi Sinagogu'da gezilip görülmeli. Havra sokağına çok yakın bir yerde. 1724 yılında yapılmış olan bu sinagog İzmir'in Karataş semtindeki Beth Israel Sinagogundan sonra İzmirdeki en büyük ikinci sinagogdur. Ancak açık değildi. Giremedim maalesef. Havra sokağı 1492 yılı ve sonrasında İzmir'e yerleşen Museviler ve onların gruplaşarak kendilerine ait ibadethaneler açmasıyla sinagog yoğunluğu sebebiyle bu ismi almış.Havra sokağından yukarı doğru tırmandığımızda ise harika dokusuyla Agora sizi karşılıyor. Namazgah semtinde bulunan İzmir Agorası, Roma Döneminden kalan en büyük ve en iyi korunmuş olanıymış. 
Biraz sıcaktan biraz da yorgunluktan son kahvemi de içip dönüş yoluna geçmek için Havra sokağında yeni yapılmış bir han keşfediyorum ve kahvemi orada içmeye karar veriyorum. L'agora Old Town Hotel&Bazaar olarak geçiyor burası. Orada bulunan İtalyan turistlerle birlikte oturup kahvemi ve hoş sohbetimi yaptıktan sonra yaşadığım şehirin turistik bölümünü noktalayıp aynı şekilde vapur sefasını yaparak evime doğru yol alıyorum. 
İş yoğunluğunu bahane ederek şehrinizin güzelliklerini kaçırdıysanız hemen plan, rota çizin. Şehrinize daha fazla haksızlıkta etmeyin. Çünkü hayat beklemeye ve bekletmeye gelmez...

6 Temmuz 2017 Perşembe


study in malta ile ilgili görsel sonucuHigher Education in MaltaHigher education was introduced in Malta and influenced by the British education system, of which they once were a part. In 1996, computers were introduced, creating great change in the university environment and opening many doors to careers in fields such as computer information systems, technology, and advanced programming. The highest educational institution in Malta which offers Bachelor of Science degrees is the University of Malta. It is a member of the Association of Commonwealth Universities and is the single institution of higher education in the area. Admission to the university is determined by Matriculation exam results for students wanting to pursue career paths in most fields, but can be based on the level of maturity and experience in fields such as the Arts and Sciences. The university system is divided into 14 different faculties and areas of study including the Arts, Education, Engineering, Law, Medicine, Media, and Technology fields.)
Popular Universities in MaltaThe predominant university choice is the University of Malta and that is where most people in Malta choose to go unless they travel abroad to study.
Tuition FeesTuition costs for 8 credits for international students studying the Arts or Business courses is 1,080 EUROS for undergraduate students and 1,360 EUROS for Science career paths. Full-time undergraduate courses are free of charge to citizens of Malta and the European Union. Also, Maltese students who are enrolled in higher education courses in Malta are entitled to a stipend.
Eligibility for Student VisasThe eligibility requirements for student visas are relatively straightforward, but there is a long list of pieces of documentation required in order to receive a visa. Some of these are:
  • an original passport recognized by the government of Malta
  • a copy of specific data or informational pages
  • a passport photo
  • one signed student visa application form
  • an invitation or official course confirmation letter from the school the student plans to attend
  • proof of payment of coursework planned
  • an official declaration from the school or college in favor of the student applying
  • verification of current address
  • other information upon request
Because of the large amount of detailed documentation required by the Immigration Department in Malta, it is important that students gather all of this information several weeks or months prior to planning to attend, so that nothing will be missing that could hold up the process. As long as the paperwork is in order, a student visa is usually granted without further delay.
Why Study in Malta?Malta is called the "hidden gem of the Mediterranean," because it is surrounded by interesting geographical locations such as Sicily and Alexandria, as well as the fact that it is beautiful in and of itself. In addition, it is a great place to study that is set apart from the rest of the world due to its natural landscape, beautiful lakes, and ocean front views. Health insurance is entirely free to Maltese residents. International students would need some private insurance but the health care in Malta is widely considered to be the 5th best in the world. Malta is a relatively peaceful country surrounded by beauty and there is a wide variety of career choices students may choose to focus on. The electronics field and computer technology is becoming a very popular major, as is the field of Education, Engineering, and Medicine. Whatever the preference a student wants to focus on, they will find many options with an education from the University of Malta. Some students decide to take up permanent residence in Malta once they complete their educational requirements. There are many reasons for this, one of which is the free health care and other factors that attract many to make Malta their permanent home. Whether you just want to study there or live there for good, Malta has a lot to offer which will be the kind of educational experience you will not soon forget.
Malta is a southern European country in the Mediterranean Sea 80 km (50 mi) south of Sicily and 333 km (207 mi) north of Libya. Malta's location has given it great strategic importance throughout history and a succession of powers have ruled the islands. Malta gained independence from the United Kingdom in 1964 and became a republic in 1974. Malta is a tourist destination with numerous recreational areas and historical monuments, including nine UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
The Republic of Malta is a Southern European country consisting of a group of islands in the center of the Mediterranean, bordered by Sicily on the south side, Tunisian on the east side, Libya on the north, and Gibraltar on the west and Alexandria also on the eastern side. The capital of Malta is Valletta and within the capital city, the population is 6,098. The people of Malta are generally native Maltese but there is a small sampling of British represented as well. The current president is George Abela and the prime minister is Lawrence Gonzi. The government operates as a Parliamentary Republic. Malta has rich reserves of limestone, a rich tourism industry, film production and electronics manufacturing, to name a few. They are progressive in nature and have taken steps to increase their level of technology use in several industries.
Essential Facts about Malta
  • The capital of Malta is Valletta.
  • The population of Malta is 412,000.
  • Malta is registered as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1980.
  • The gross national product in Malta is 8.3 billion.
  • The government operates as a parliamentary republic.
  • The official language is English and Maltese.
  • Secondary languages are French, Italian, German, and Spanish.
Malta's ClimateThe climate in Malta is largely determined by the Mediterranean Sea but it is normally pleasant and attracts a lot of tourists because of this. The seasons are generally thought of as variable. The summers are very hot and dry, winters are rainy, and Autumn is wet and warm. The rainy season is generally from October through March.
Malta's CurrencyThe EURO is the official currency of Malta, denoted by the ISO 4217 code EUR, introduced in 2008, replacing the Maltese Lira. The Maltese Lira replaced the Maltese pound earlier.
Religion in MaltaChristianity is the predominant religion of choice in Malta with the largest denomination being Roman Catholicism. Other religions observed include Jewish, Muslim, Latter-Day Saints, Jehovah's witnesses, Buddhists, and followers of the Bahai Faith. Freedom of religion is observed in Malta and residents are allowed to practice whatever religion they choose at will.

Universities in Malta

SOURCE : https://www.masterstudies.com/Malta/

4 Temmuz 2017 Salı

Fall der Berliner Mauer - 9. November 1989

1. Wie kam es zum Fall der Mauer? Die Vorgeschichte

Die Berliner Mauer mit einer Gesamtlänge von 155 km rund um Westberlin bildete die Grenze zwischen Ost und West. Bewachung durch Grenzsoldaten, Stacheldraht, Minen und Selbstschussanlagen machten diese Grenzbefestigung nahezu unüberwindlich. Sie war das abschreckendste Symbol des Ost-West-Konfliktes. Von der einen Seite als "Friedensgrenze" und "Antifaschistischer Schutzwall" gepriesen, von der anderen Seite als "kommunistische Schandmauer" verdammt. Mehr als ein Vierteljahrhundert Symbol der Teilung Deutschlands fiel die Mauer am 9. November 1989. Dieser 9. November ist fest mit der Deutschen Einheit verknüpft, weit mehr als der eigentliche Staatsakt ein Jahr später. Er erinnert uns auch an erfolgreichen Widerstand und Bürgermut. Der Mauerfall markiert auch das Ende des Kalten Krieges.
Ende Oktober 1989 hatten sich durch die Reformpolitik des sowjetischen Präsidenten Michail Gorbatschow nicht nur die herrschenden politischen Standpunkte der Sozialistische Einheitspartei Deutschlands (SED), sondern auch die der Medien in der DDR bereits grundlegend verändert. Die Massenflucht von DDR-Bürgerinnen und-Bürgern in den Westen, eine neue Oppositionsbewegung und Montagsdemonstrationen setzten die DDR-Regierung unter Druck. Korrespondenten berichteten 1989 offen von Demonstrationen und Kundgebungen, informierten über die Reiseregelungen und über die Wirtschaftskrise in der DDR.
Die Reformen in der Sowjetunion hatten auch große Auswirkungen auf die anderen sozialistischen Länder, besonders aber auf Polen und Ungarn.
Mit der Anerkennung der ersten freien Gewerkschaft Solidarnosc Anfang 1989 in Polen begann der Zerfall des sozialistischen Systems. Die ungarische Regierung öffnete in der Nacht zum 11. September 1989 die Grenze zu Österreich für DDR-Bürger. Zehntausende reisten in den nächsten Tagen und Wochen über Österreich in die Bundesrepublik aus. Die DDR lenkte auch im Prager Botschaftskonflikt - wohin Tausende DDR-Bürger geflüchtet waren, um ihre Ausreise zu erzwingen - auf sowjetischen Druck hin ein. In verriegelten Sonderzügen wurden einige tausend DDR-Flüchtlinge über das Territorium der DDR in die Bundesrepublik gebracht. Der Eiserne Vorhang war durchbrochen.

Im Herbst 1989 erfasst die Revolution das ganze Land. Nicht nur in Leipzig und Berlin demonstrieren die Menschen gegen den Staat und für ihre Interessen. Bereits am 1. September 1989, dem Weltfriedenstag, gehen in den kleinen Städten Neuruppin (nördlich von Berlin) und Forst (bei Cottbus) Menschen auf die Straße. Vor allem junge Menschen fordern die Öffnung der Grenzen.
Die Leipziger Montagsdemonstration vom 9. Oktober 1989 gilt als entscheidend für die friedliche Revolution in der DDR. Die Menschen überwanden ihre Angst vor den Unterdrückern, ein Schießbefehl wäre nicht unvorstellbar gewesen. Ungehindert und friedlich zogen mehr als 70.000 Demonstranten über den Innenstadtring bis zur Stasi-Zentrale. Der Staat kapitulierte vor der Übermacht der Bürgerinnen und Bürger.
Im November 1989 überschlagen sich die Ereignisse in der DDR. Unter dem Druck der friedlichen Bürgerbewegung musste die SED immer weiter zurückweichen. Die Diktatur befand sich in einer offenen Krise, von der sie sich nicht mehr erholen sollte.

Die größte Demonstration in der Geschichte der DDR fand am 4. November 1989 auf dem Berliner Alexanderplatz statt, zu der sich über eine halbe Million Menschen friedlich versammelten. In der SED-Spitze und im Sicherheitsapparat begann ein Tauziehen um die Frage, ob man die Demonstration verhindern sollte. Schließlich beschloss die SED-Führung, dass die Demonstration genehmigt werden sollte. Eine zentrale Forderung der Demonstranten war die nach Reisefreiheit.
Die SED reagierte am 6. November 1989 mit einem Entwurf für ein Reisegesetz, welcher auf breite Ablehnung stieß. Unter andauerndem Druck durch Massenflucht und Demonstrationen sowie durch Einwirkung der "SED-Reformer" trat am 7. November 1989 die DDR-Regierung unter Ministerpräsident Willi Stoph zurück. Daraufhin trat am 8. November auch das gesamte Politbüro des Zentralkomitee (ZK) der SED zurück.

In dieser Situation fand am 8. und 9. November 1989 das ZK-Plenum der SED statt. Gleichzeitig wurde ein einfaches und weitgehendes neues Reisegesetz ausgearbeitet und im ZK der SED verlesen. Kaum einer der Anwesenden erkannte die Brisanz dieses Entwurfs.

2. Was passierte am 9. November 1989? Tageschronik

9 Uhr: Im Innenministerium der DDR kommen vier Offiziere zusammen, um eine neue Ausreiseregelung zu entwerfen. Das Politbüro hatte dazu den Auftrag gegeben. Der Rohentwurf, der zwei Tage zuvor von der Sowjetunion abgenickt wurde, sieht nur die ständige Ausreise direkt aus der DDR (über einen Extra-Grenzübergang im Süden) und nicht mehr über Drittstaaten wie die CSSR vor – aber keine Rückkehr in die DDR.
In einem Ministerratsbeschluss regeln die Offiziere das Recht auf Ausreisen. Alle Einschränkungen bei Anträgen auf eine ständige Ausreise aus der DDR sollen wegfallen. Ausreisen sollen nach wie vor beantragt werden müssen. Auf die Initiative von Oberst Gerhard Lauter hin mogelt die Runde einen folgenschweren Passus in den Text hinein: „Privatreisen nach dem Ausland können ohne Vorliegen von Voraussetzungen (Reiseanlässe und Verwandtschaftsverhältnisse) beantragt werden. Die Genehmigungen werden kurzfristig erteilt.“ Im Klartext: Reisefreiheit für alle, geordnet, langfristig und bürokratisch.
Die Verordnung soll bis zum Beschluss eines Reisegesetzes gelten und am Freitag, dem 10. November, 4 Uhr, veröffentlicht werden. Bereits am gleichen Tag sollen alle DDR-Bürger bei den Behörden Visa beantragen können. Das Papier geht direkt an das Zentralkomitee der SED.

Chronik der Mauer: Gerhard Lauter, VP-Oberst, über die Ausarbeitung der Reiseregelung im November 1989 
10 Uhr: Der zweite Beratungstag des SED-Zentralkomitees beginnt. Die Bezirksbasis setzt die 1. Sekretäre Hans-Joachim Böhme in Halle, Werner Walde in Cottbus und Johannes Chemnitzer in Neubrandenburg wieder ab. Auch die langjährige Frauenbeauftragte des SED-Politbüros Inge Lange tritt von ihrem Posten zurück.

12 Uhr: Mitglieder des Politbüros bestätigen in einer Raucherpause des ZK den von den Offizieren erarbeiteten Reiseregelungs-Entwurf. Er wird an den Ministerrat weitergeleitet.

15 Uhr: Im Innenministerium und bei der Staatssicherheit wird an den Durchführungsbestimmungen zur Reiseverordnung gefeilt.

16 Uhr: Generalsekretär Egon Krenz verliest im SED-Zentralkomitee den Reiseregelungs-Entwurf, der ihm nun als Beschlussvorlage des Ministerrates einschließlich Pressemitteilung vorliegt.

17.30 Uhr: Krenz händigt die Ministerrats-Beschlussvorlage und eine dazugehörige Pressemitteilung Günter Schabowski aus. Er ist in diesen Tagen Sprecher des SED-Zentralkomitees.
Günter Schabowski, Foto: Bundesarchiv Bild 183-1982-0504-421 / CC-BY-SA
Um 18 Uhr beginnt die Live-Übertragung der Pressekonferenz mit Günter Schabowski (1. Sekretär der SED-Bezirksleitung Berlin), in der er über die Ergebnisse der Politbürositzung am Nachmittag informierte.

Um 18:57 kurz vor Ende der Pressekonferenz Uhr fragt der italienische Journalist Riccardo Ehrman nach, ob der Entwurf des Reisegesetzes nicht ein Fehler gewesen sei. Schabowski teilt den erstaunten Journalisten mit, dass ab sofort Westreisen für jedermann möglich sind. Viele DDR-Bürger sehen die Mitteilung im Fernsehen. Die Regelung war ursprünglich als Richtlinie für die ständige Ausreise in die Bundesrepublik Deutschland (ohne Recht auf Rückkehr) gedacht. Sie sollte den anhaltenden Ausreisestrom über die Tschechoslowakei stoppen.

"Und deshalb haben wir uns dazu entschlossen, heute eine Regelung zu treffen, die es jedem Bürger der DDR möglich macht, über Grenzübergangspunkte der DDR auszureisen. ...Also, Privatreisen nach dem Ausland können ohne Vorliegen von Voraussetzungen, Reiseanlässen und Verwandtschaftsverhältnissen beantragt werden. Die Genehmigungen werden kurzfristig erteilt...Das tritt nach meiner Kenntnis, ähh, ist das sofort, unverzüglich."

Chronik der Mauer: Audio: RIAS-Reportage über Schabowskis Pressekonferenz
19.04 Uhr: Noch vor den Eilmeldungen der westlichen Nachrichtenagenturen verbreitet ADN die Einzelheiten der von Schabowski zuvor verkündeten, „sofort“ geltenden Reisefreiheit. Die Überschrift ist mit Bedacht neutral gewählt: „DDR-Regierungssprecher zu neuen Reiseregelungen“. Vier Punkte umfasst die 20-Zeilen-Meldung, die ursprünglich erst am Freitagmorgen um 4.00 Uhr auf den Draht gehen sollte.

19.05 Uhr: Diese Sätze schreiben Geschichte. AP verbreitet als Eilmeldung: "DDR öffnet Grenze"; DPA um 19.41 Uhr: "Die DDR-Grenze ... ist offen." Die Agenturmeldungen werden in der Hauptnachrichtenzeit bis 20.15 Uhr zur TOP-Nachricht in Fernsehen und Hörfunk. Die "Tagesschau" meldet "DDR öffnet Grenze".

Youtube Video: Tagesschau vom 9.11.1989 - Der Fall der Mauer

Schon gegen 20.30 Uhr treffen die ersten DDR-Bürger am Grenzübergang Bornholmer Straße ein um zu sehen, was los ist. Der Grenzübergang ist aber weiterhin für DDR-Bürger ohne gültiges Visum geschlossen. Es kommen immer mehr Menschen zum Grenzübergang.

Gegen 21.00 Uhr fordert die Menge die Öffnung der Grenze. Die Situation spitzt sich zu, die diensthabenden Grenzsoldaten haben bisher keinen Befehl zur Öffnung der Grenze erhalten und die Menge vor dem Grenzübergang ruft: "Tor auf! Tor auf". Es spielen sich tumultartige Szenen ab.

Gegen 21.10 Uhr beendet der Bundestag in Bonn aus Anlass der neuen Bestimmungen seine Sitzung mit dem Absingen der Nationalhymne.
22.28 Uhr: In der Spätausgabe der „Aktuellen Kamera“ wird im DDR-Fernsehen ein letzter Versuch gestartet, die Entwicklung zu bremsen. „Auf Anfragen vieler Bürger informieren wir Sie noch einmal über die neue Reiseregelung des Ministerrates“, sagt der Nachrichtensprecher und weist ausdrücklich daraufhin, „dass die Reisen beantragt werden müssen“. Die Abteilungen Pass- und Meldewesen hätten aber „morgen um die gewohnte Zeit geöffnet“ und auch ständige Ausreisen könnten erst erfolgen, „nachdem sie beantragt und genehmigt worden sind“.
Gegen 23 Uhr drängen tausende an der Bornholmer Straße von hinten nach vorn. Am Schlagbaum wird es immer bedrohlicher. Keiner weiß genau, ob es sich nun um ein Gerücht, einen Versprecher oder tatsächlich um eine gültige Entscheidung handelt. Die Grenzsoldaten sind völlig überfordert. Eine halbe Stunde vor Mitternacht entschließen sich einzelne Grenzkommandanten, die Tore einfach zu öffnen. Die Mauer ist gefallen. Auch an anderen Übergängen der innerdeutschen Grenze strömen tausende DDR-Bürger in die Bundesrepublik und werden im Westen begeistert empfangen.
00:00 Uhr: Alle Grenzübergänge in Berlin sind offen.

00.20 Uhr: 30 000 Soldaten der Nationalen Volksarmee (NVA) werden in „erhöhte Gefechtsbereitschaft“ versetzt. Da in der Nacht weitere Befehle ausbleiben, stellen die Kommandeure der Grenzregimenter die Maßnahmen auf eigene Verantwortung ein.

Zwischen 1 und 2 Uhr überwinden tausende von West- und Ost-Berlinern die Mauer am Brandenburger Tor. Sie gehen über den Pariser Platz und durch das Tor. Auf der Mauer tanzen die Menschen vor Freude. Der Betonwall bleibt von einigen Tausend Menschen besetzt. Über den ganzen Platz hallt das Klopfen der Mauerspechte. Sie bearbeiten die Mauer auf der Westseite mit Hämmern und Meißeln. Von den Übergängen strömen die Menschen zum Kurfürstendamm, der bis zum frühen Morgen in eine Partymeile verwandelt wird.

2 Uhr: Die Nachrichten von Radio DDR I melden unter Berufung auf das Innenministerium, dass die Grenze "als Übergangsregelung" bis zum nächsten Morgen, 8.00 Uhr, unter Vorlage des Personalausweises passiert werden kann. Die politische und militärische Führungsspitze der DDR tritt in dieser Nacht öffentlich nicht in Erscheinung.

3. Wie ging es nach dem Mauerfall weiter? Ausblick

Foto: Bundesarchiv, Bild 183-1989-1110-041 / Hirschberger, Ralph / CC-BY-SA
Am 10. November 1989 strömten Tausende von Menschen weiter über die Grenzübergänge. Trabis verstopfen die Straßen. Die ganze Nacht und den ganzen Tag feiert Berlin. Bilder der Menschen, die auf der Mauer tanzen, gehen um die Welt. Noch in der Nacht zum 10. November ordnet Berlins Regierender Bürgermeister Walter Momper die Auszahlung eines Begrüßungsgeldes an DDR-Bürger in Höhe von 100 DM durch Banken und Sparkassen an. In langen Schlangen warten die Menschen in Sparkassen, Banken und Ämtern auf die Auszahlung des Begrüßungsgeldes.
Am Nachmittag erklärt der sowjetische Außenminister Eduard Schewardnadse vor der Presse, sein Land betrachte die "Ereignisse in der DDR als eine ureigene Angelegenheit ihrer neuen Führung und ihres Volkes und wünscht ihnen dabei vollen Erfolg". Am frühen Abend sprechen Walter Momper, Hans-Dietrich Genscher, Willy Brandt und Helmut Kohl vor 40.000 Menschen vor dem Schöneberger Rathaus. Momper nennt die Deutschen "jetzt das glücklichste Volk der Welt", Brandt begrüßt die "Landsleute drüben und hüben" und sieht "Europa zusammenwachsen" und Kohl sagt: "Es lebe ein freies deutsches Vaterland, es lebe ein freies einiges Europa."
Ein Jahr später, am 3. Oktober 1990, ist Deutschland nach 45 Jahren der Trennung wieder vereint. Die Rufe der DDR-Bürgerinnen und Bürger nach einem vereinten Deutschland wurden immer lauter. Das SED-Regime kam nicht umhin, sich dem Druck zu beugen. Mit internationaler Hilfe und der Politik der Bundesrepublik sollte Deutschland wieder zusammen wachsen.

Nach 1989 - Der Weg zur Deutschen Einheit

4. Warum wurde die Mauer überhaupt gebaut? Rückblick

Foto: CIA, gemeinfrei
"Ich verstehe Ihre Frage so: Dass es Menschen in Westdeutschland gibt, die wünschen, dass wir die Bauarbeiter der Hauptstadt der DDR mobilisieren, um eine Mauer auf zu richten, ja? Eh, mir ist nicht bekannt, dass eine solche Absicht besteht, da sich die Bauarbeiter in der Hauptstadt hauptsächlich mit Wohnungsbau beschäftigen und ihre Arbeitskraft voll eingesetzt wird. Niemand hat die Absicht, eine Mauer zu errichten." So der DDR-Staatsratsvorsitzende Walter Ulbricht am 15. Juni 1961 auf einer Pressekonferenz in Berlin. Am 13. August 1961 begannen die Arbeiten am Mauerbau.


Scholarships for International Students

The following is a listing of outside scholarship opportunities international students.
Aga Khan Scholarship
www.akdn.orgThe Aga Khan Foundation provides a limited number of scholarships each year for postgraduate studies to outstanding students from developing countries who have no other means of financing their studies. Scholarships are awarded on a 50% grant: 50% loan basis through a competitive application process once a year in June or July. The Foundation gives priority to requests for Master’s level courses but is also willing to consider applications for PhD programs, when doctoral degrees are necessary for the career objectives of the student.

Aker Scholarship

The programme supports Norwegian top students so that they can learn from the best in the world, independent of their family or financial situation. Scholarships are awarded to students in all fields of study.

Alberta Scholarships Program – Sir James Lougheed Awards of Distinction

alis.alberta.caApplicants must be Canadian Citizens or Permanent Residents of Canada, be Alberta residents, and be enrolled or planning to enroll full-time in a graduate program at an institution outside of Alberta. There is a lifetime maximum of two awards per student. At the doctoral level, students must have completed at least one full year of graduate study or a master’s degree.

American Association of University Women

International Fellowships are awarded for full-time study or research to women who are not United States citizens or permanent residents. Both graduate and postgraduate study at accredited institutions are supported.

American-Scandinavian Foundation

amscan.orgThe American-Scandinavian Foundation (ASF) offers over $500,000 in funding to Scandinavians to undertake study or research programs (usually at the graduate level) in the United States for up to one year. Candidates for awards are recommended to the ASF by our cooperating organizations. In order to apply submit applications to the appropriate cooperative organization (see website for details). Awards are made in all fields.

American Society of Landscape Architects

www.asla.orgLists various programs and scholarships for Landscape Architecture students.

Arts Council of Ireland

www.artscouncil.ieIndividuals of Irish birth or residence working with the Arts can apply for funding.

Asian Cultural Council

www.asianculturalcouncil.orgWhether Asian or American, whether a cutting-edge painter or a traditional dancer, whether a classical musician or a modern cultural archeologist—any gifted individual artist or scholar who seeks to grow in his or her craft or field can apply for funding to conduct research and study, receive specialized training, undertake observation tours, or pursue non-commercial creative activity in the United States or among the countries of Asia.

Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC)

juno.aucc.caThe Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada administers many scholarships and internships for Canadian Students.

The Association for Women in Architecture Foundation Scholarship
http://usascholarships.com/association-women-architecture-foundation-scholarshipThe Association for Women in Architecture Foundation offers an Annual Scholarship Award which is available to female students who reside or attend school in California and who are majoring in architecture, landscape architecture, urban and land planning, interior design, or environmental design.

American Indian Foundation’s William J. Clinton Fellowship

aif.orgThe AIF Clinton Fellowship is open to those aged 21 through 31 years of age who are Indian citizens or U.S. citizens/permanent residents, and have received their undergraduate degree before the start of the fellowship.

Bergmeyer Scholarship

This scholarship intended for a designer who is working towards a career in Interior Design. The Bergmeyer Scholarship recognizes and supports leadership potential in the field of Interior Design and Architecture through a $2,500 award.

Canadian Federation of University Women Fellowships

www.cfuw.orgThe Federation has multiple fellowships for women with Canadian citizenship in either Master or Doctoral level studies.

CSN – Centrala Studiestödsnämnden

www.csn.seThis program hosts scholarship/fellowship opportunities for students from Sweden. Please visit their website for more details.

Cyprus Children’s Fund

www.cyprus-childrensfund.orgThis Foundation has a couple of different scholarship options for students who have origins in Cyprus and/or Greece. Please visit their website for application details.

Diversity Advancement Scholarship

The goal and purpose for this important scholarship aims to provide assistance to individuals from a minority race or ethnicity who intend to become an architect through the pursuit of a NAAB-accredited professional degree in architecture.

Edmond J. Safra Graduate Fellowship

The Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics encourages teaching and research about ethical issues in the professions and public life. Its Graduate Fellowships support outstanding Harvard graduate and professional students who are writing dissertations or are engaged in major research on topics in practical ethics, especially ethical issues in areas such as architecture, business, education, government, law, medicine, public health, public policy, and religion.

Enterprise Rose Fellowship

The Enterprise Rose Architectural Fellowship partners early-career architectural designers with local community development organizations, where they facilitate an inclusive approach to development to create green, sustainable, and affordable communities.

 Scholarship Foundation
www.fiabci-usa.comThe FIABCI Scholarship Foundation provides aid and travel assistance to students who demonstrate an interest in the field of international real estate or are enrolled in real estate related courses at a qualified university. You must be a member, member’s spouse, or a dependent of a member in order to apply.

Frank Boas Scholarship

scholarship.harvard.eduThe Boas Scholarship is awarded each year to a citizen of Belgium or Luxembourg who has been admitted for graduate study at Harvard University.

Fulbright Program/Institute of International Education (IIE)

www.iie.orgContains addresses for Educational/Information Centers and Fulbright commissions around the world administering scholarship programs for national citizens. Contact the center from your country directly to find out the latest information.

Fundação Estudar’s Scholarship Program

Estudar offers a variety of educational programs in three main areas: Inspiration, Leadership and Career. Through these programs, we support young people in fully developing their individual potential, in their search for the best education in Brazil and abroad, and in accessing compelling career opportunities.

Global Education Program (GEP)

This is a Russian government funded program that offers Russian citizens an opportunity to study at leading foreign higher education institutions.

Graduate Consortium on Energy and Environment Fellowship

This fellowship is open to all Harvard Doctoral students working on energy issues. Applications are due May 15th, please view the website for more details.

Harvard Clubs of Germany

Axel.bruggel@post.harvard.eduTwo loans of 10,000 EUR each for students who can prove acceptance at any Harvard school or college, demonstrated financial need, and German citizenship. Must also provide a short statement why their particular course of study has been chosen.

Harvard Graduate Student Award

ghd-dubai.hms.harvard.edu/harvard-graduate-student-fellowshipThe Harvard Graduate Student Award will support advanced graduate students from Harvard University working on a dissertation or thesis research that addresses some of the most pressing health challenges in Dubai, the UAE, and the Center’s region. Dissertation or thesis research from all disciplines will be considered.

Harvard University Native American Program (HUNAP) Fellowships and Grants

hunap.harvard.eduHUNAP provides support to Harvard students to conduct research on Native American and Indigenous issues, for professional development activities, and for conference attendance.

Institute of International Education

www.iie.orgAdministers over 250 programs on behalf of sponsors that offer international fellowships, scholarships, loans, professional development and more. Program search tool allows students to search for programs by region, field of study, sponsor name, etc.

International Education Financial Aid

www.iefa.orgRequires no marketing information and is a very comprehensive search engine for international scholarships.

International Facility Management Association Foundation

foundation.ifma.orgScholarships are available annually to graduate and undergraduate students pursuing degrees in facility management or related fields. IFMA Foundation scholarships are awarded based on merit and certain applicant restrictions and/or qualification requirements may apply. Scholarship applicants are solicited in the spring of each year and funded the following fall.

Kennedy Memorial Trust

www.kennedytrust.org.ukScholarships are available for students of UK citizenship who attend MIT or Harvard for post-graduate studies. Please visit their website for the application and requirements.

Kate Neal Kinley Memorial Fellowship

faa.illinois.eduThree major Fellowships are awarded yearly to both U.S. nationals and international students. The application can be found on their website and is due in early December.

Korean Honor Scholarship

usa-seattle.mofat.go.krTo be eligible for consideration, students must be attending college or university in the U.S.A. or Canada and must have an overall grade average of 3.5 or higher. In addition to academic achievement, an essay, a letter of recommendation, awards, honors, performances and extracurricular activities are criteria reviewed for selection.

Korean American Scholarship Foundation

www.kasf.orgThe scholarship recipient is selected on the basis of financial need, academic achievement, school activities, and community services. Each applicant must submit an application to the respective KASF region, in which each region is designated by the state where school is located.

Kosciuszko Foundation Scholarships

www.thekf.orgVarious scholarships and grants for Poles, Americans of Polish descent, as well as exchange programs to Poland and the US, and summer scholarships.

Lambda Alpha International

www.lai-lef.orgLambda Alpha International’s Land Economics Foundation (LEF) offers a scholarship to a deserving graduate student pursuing a degree in one of the many fields related to land economics: architecture, geography, urban planning, landscape architecture, environmental planning, civil engineering, government, public administration, real estate, urban studies or law. The LEF Board of Directors has approved the award of a one year $3,000 (U.S.) scholarship, renewable for a second year, to a selected applicant studying in the United States, Canada, or Great Britain.

Landscape Architecture Foundation Awards

lafoundation.orgLists various programs and scholarships for Landscape Architecture graduate and undergraduate students.

LASPAU: Academic and Professional Programs for the Americas

www.laspau.harvard.eduFor exchange programs between the United States, Canada, Latin America and the Caribbean.

Luys Foundation Education Scholarship

www.luys.amStudents who are Armenian citizens or Armenian descendants and are between the ages of 18 and 40 are eligible for this scholarship. Students will also participate in the Luys Develop Armenia Program (DAP).

Margaret McNamara Memorial Fund (The World Bank)

mmmf-grants.orgFor students from developing countries who are currently studying in the United States or Canada, the MMMF awards grants of approximately $12,000 each; grants are not renewable.

Menzies Scholarship to Harvard

philanthropy.anu.edu.auThe Menzies Scholarship grants at least one annual award to talented Australians who have gained admission to a Harvard graduate school. The ideal candidates for the Scholarship are Australians whose primary objective, after completing their studies at Harvard, is to make a significant contribution to this country’s development.

John R. Mott Scholarship Foundation

www.mottscholarship.orgStudents native to the region of Calabria Italy who are enrolled to attend any accredited post-secondary school are encouraged to apply. Scholarships for up to $10,000/year are awarded.

Netherland-America Foundation

www.thenaf.orgThe Foundation supports educational exchanges by providing fellowships, interest-free student loans and scholarships.

Noma-Reischauer Prize in Japanese Studies

rijs.fas.harvard.eduThe prize will be awarded annually for the best essays on Japan-related topics written by Harvard University students; one prize of $1,500 for the best essay by a graduate student.

Organization of American States Scholarship Program

www.oas.orgThe OAS Academic Scholarship Program (Regular Program) grants scholarships every year for the pursuit of Master’s Degrees, Doctoral Degrees and Graduate Research leading to a university degree for students from Latin America and Caribbean.

P.E.O. International

P.E.O. Scholar Awards (PSA) provides substantial merit-based awards for women of the United States and Canada who are pursuing a doctoral level degree at an accredited college or university.
P.E.O. International Peace Scholarship (IPS) Fund was established in 1949 to provide scholarships for international women students to pursue graduate study in the United States and Canada.

Rotary Foundation Scholarships

www.rotary.orgVarious funding opportunities for graduate students of numerous disciplines.

Rowe Fund

http://www.oas.org/en/rowefund/The Rowe Fund is an educational loan program of the Organization of American States (OAS) that helps citizens from Latin America and Caribbean OAS Member States finance their studies or research in accredited universities across the United States by awardinginterest-free loans of up to $15,000 dollars. By financing a portion of their studies in the United States, the Rowe Fund helps students complete their education while at the same time fostering cultural diversity, friendship, and communication among the people of the Americas.

SARA Education Fund

The SARA Education Fund commenced an annual scholarship program open to all students attending an accredited school of Architecture. The student scholarship program was submitted to all NAAB Accredited Architectural Schools across the United States. 

Karen Ann Shopis-Fox Memorial Scholarship

Scholarship applicants must be legal residents of the State of Connecticut and enrolled in an accredited landscape architecture program at the college or university level.

Soros Fellowship for New Americans

www.pdsoros.orgNew American is defined as a resident alien (who holds a Green Card), a naturalized citizen, or the child of two parents who are both naturalized citizens. Green Card holders must have had more than one IRS filing. The grants are for $20,000.

Sweden American Foundation

www.sweamfo.seThis foundation gives about 40 fellowships for graduate/post-graduate studies each year to students who are Swedish citizens. Please visit their website for more details

TALENTIA Fellowship Program

www.juntadeandalucia.esThis program was launched by the Regional Ministry of Innovation, Science and Enterprise in Andalusia, Spain. TALENTIA scholarships are offered to students from Spain born or residents in the region of Andalusia applying for postgraduate programs in major universities around the world. The fellowship program covers tuition fees, living expenses (up to 16.000 per year), travel expenses, book expenses, medical and accident insurance for students at masters and PhD programs.

Urban Land Institute Fellowship

www.uli.orgThe ULI Kenneth M. Good Graduate Student Fellowship offers eight $5,000 scholarships awarded to graduate students who intend to pursue real estate-related studies at a major North American university, including urban planning, architecture, business or business administration, geography with a real estate concentration, and real estate law or major. Student must be nominated for this scholarship by faculty.

Vectorworks Design Scholarship

www.vectorworks.netThe Vectorworks Design Scholarship is open to undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in a design program for the upcoming school year.

Wellesley College Fellowships

www.wellesley.eduWellesley College offers a number of fellowships and scholarships for graduate study or research that are open to graduating seniors and Wellesley alumnae. Two of these awards are open to women graduates of any American institution. Awards are usually made to applicants currently enrolled in or applying to graduate school for the following year.

World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program

web.worldbank.orgOffers various scholarships, including the Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program, for students who are citizens of countries other than the US. Potential to be used for GSD’s MUP program.

Zimmer Gunsul Frasca Architectural Scholarship Fund

www.zgf.comApplicants pursuing a Master’s Degree in Architecture are eligible for this scholarship. The Scholarship consists of a $10,000 stipend and the opportunity to intern at Zimmer Gunsul Frasca Architects LLP. Please visit their website for scholarship application and information.
Source : https://www.gse.harvard.edu/financialaid/international